Photo taken about 1877 or 1878
Claus and Esther's children were, in order of birth: Alvina Wilhelmina "Anna" born 1863, Henry Edward born 1864, Johan Ferdinand born 1866, Cecelia, Helene Wilhelmina "Minnie" born 1871 and Carl born 1874.
So judging their sizes and ages, I believe, that our Grandmother
(or Great-grandmother) Minnie would be the girl on the far right.

Claus and Esther Stoltenberg with their son-in-law Claus Tagge on the right
(Claus married the oldest daughter Anna Stoltenberg...
Anna was deceased before 1912)
Claus and Anna's daughter Dora Tagge Hitchler holding her son.

50th Anniversary Family Photo
Taken in 1912 at their farm south of Grand Island
(2 photos, above and below, that, when overlapped, make one long photo)

Art, John, Hugo, and Arnold born in 1899

Art, John, Hugo, Arnold, and Emil born in 1901

This photo was taken the same day as the picture above...
Same 4 little boys, same clothes, same hats, same baby,
same barn, same buggy...
actually in the same spot... just a little different angle...
Who are the little girls in plaid?? Cousins??
Who is the lady to the left of the buggy??
Esther Paustian Stoltenberg??
What do you think??

same little kids, same clothes, same buggy and barn
and some of the same ladies.
Who are these people??
I wish I knew.
I really think that the lady, second from the right looks like
Johann Reher's second wife... but...???
The fourth lady from the right looks like Esther Paustian Stoltenberg.
Minnie and the baby are behind on the left.

The man on the right looks like Ernest Reher
in the family photo three above...
same hat, shirt and vest, same tie bunched up off center...
Looks like they are having fun...

Arnold, Edward born in 1903, and Emil

Taken about 1915 or 1916 (Barney the youngest was born in 1912)
Left to right in the dark clothes are:
Helene Wilhelmina Stoltenberg Reher (called Minnie)(the Mother)
Arnold Carl Reher
Henry Edward Reher (called Ed)
Arthur John Reher
Emil Peter Reher
Ernest F Reher (the Father)
Hugo William Reher
and Johan Frederick Reher
(called John and named for his grandfather Reher)
Left to right in the white clothes are:
Bernhardt Ferdinand Reher (called Barney)
Dora Augusta Reher
Ella Cecelia Reher
and Frieda Marie Reher

1. Johann Reher, 4. baby Alfred Reher born in 1917,
2. Ernest Reher, and 3. Art Reher

Who do you recognize?? Help me out here...
Barney, ??, Frieda, ??, Minnie, Ernest and ??
Are the two ?? women Ella and Dora?
Who is the man peeking on the right?
Notice his hat...
one of the men in the next picture has the same type of hat...
He doesn't really look like any of the brothers to me...
But who else could it be? Who else would be with them?
Is it the next youngest, Ed??
Hopefully someone recognizes him and the two women.

Another fun photo!!
Can you recognize any of these "good ol' boys"?
Must be some of the Wyoming bunch...
Could it be all six of the oldest Reher boys?
What do you think?? Does anyone know??
I am thinking that it might be several of the older "Reher brothers" with maybe a brother-in-law thrown in... I had an e-mail from a Wyoming cousin, Paul Reher, and he said that his brother, Chuck had showed him the picture and noted to him that the rather stouter fellow on the farther right could be brother John (who was built more like that)... We think that it looks like Art standing in the truck holding up the bottle.
In an e-mail to me, Chuck wrote... I wish that someone could come up with some faint, indirect family memory of the pictured event. I can only recollect Grampa and uncles talking about he (Chuck's Grampa, Art Reher) came out to set up a small cabin-like homestead, I think with help they said, with one brother, then later went back and got Gramma, then later some brothers came out for some sort of more definite “barn-raising”, which I would like to think the picture is...

1 comment:
My goodness, the Reher chin goes clear back to Ernest.
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