Found: Three emigration documents.
My sister, Jerri's son, Phil Haussler, has translated the documents.
About the above document he says...
"Schleswig, March 17, 1873 --- This is essentially Johann’s (born Feb 1 1840) emigration papers stating that he has permission to emigrate to the US with Sophia Vagt (born Dec 6 1835) and their children, Emma (born June 7, 1867) and Ernst (born April 30 1872). It states that he is giving up his Prussian citizenship and that these papers must be exercised within the next 6 months. It’s a lot of legal jargon... I can send this to my college German professor who is an expert at reading old German script and get an exact transcription if you want me to. Also note that the (his last name) Ramm is crossed out Reher is written in lightly – I assume this was a typo…"

"That Ernst Friedrich “Rehr” from Hoegersdorf, The 21st of August 1872 at ¼ year old was vaccinated and all the appropriate paperwork has been complete. I testify, signed ....??"

"That Anna Christina Dorothea Reher; from Hoegersdorf, born in Negernboekel; age 1 year, the 13th of Juli 1864 was vaccinated and all the appropriate paperwork has been complete, I testify, signed ....??"
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