Born March 6, 1909 in Hall County, NE
Died March 7, 1978 in Grand Island, NE
Eighth child of Ernest & Minnie Stoltenberg Reher
For the above picture, I cropped Dora out of the Reher family portrait taken about 1915.
Dora was born, as all the children were, on the family farm southeast of Grand Island. She attended Hall County District 28 School.

The picture at the left was taken at Dora's 8th grade confirmation.

Below is Dora's graduation photo.
Dora was my father's favorite. I think she must have spoiled him rotten when he was a baby, being 3 years older and just the right age to "Mommie" him. I know she spoiled him rotten when they were older. When Dora was the manager of the Conoco Cafe, Daddy would go down there in the morning and she'd wait on him hand and foot, bringing him coffee and donuts.
Dora being born March 6th and Daddy born March 7th probably made them close too. They must have had to share birthday parties. They both liked the horse races and would bet their birthdays 6 and 7 for a Daily Double or Exacta. I don't think those numbers made them much money, but Daddy continued to bet them long after Dora had passed away.

They remind me of photos I've seen of movie stars from that era.

The newspaper announcement says:
A wedding of interest to their Grand Island friends, took place this afternoon in Hastings, at which Miss Dora Reher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reher, became the bride of Guido Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nelson, of this city. Attending the couple, as witnesses, were the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buettner.
Sunday afternoon, at five o'clock, a wedding supper will be held at the home of the bride's parents, with about fifty or more members of the immediate relatives present. In the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Reher are giving a wedding dance at the Plattdeutsche Heim, to honor the newlyweds. Several hundred guests, it is expected, will attend this affair.
Mr. and Mr. Nelson will reside at 103 North Sycamore Street. The bride is in charge of the luncheonette department at Martin's store and the groom is an employee of the Central Power Company.

Photo taken September 28, 1936

A few years after their marriage, Guido built this cute little house located at 611 S Washington St. in Grand Island for Dora and himself to live in. This picture was taken on August 6, 1940.
My Mother, Juleen, says that Guido didn't want children so when he built the house on Washington, he built it with only one bedroom.

Dora and Guido had one child, a daughter they named Sandra LeMae born October 26, 1941. (LeMae was Guido's sister's name)

Guido and Dora's daughter Sandy as a baby and a toddler...

Mother said that the baby didn't dare disturb Guido and both he and Dora liked to "go" so Dora had to be ready at a moments notice. Therefore she kept Sandy on a pillow that she could just pick up without disturbing her slumber and off they'd go. (this was before infant carriers and car seats)
Sandra would later have her bedroom in the basement.

While not too clear, this picture shows Sandy with her parents, aunt and grandparents, gathered to celebrate Christmas in Guido & Dora's living room. Left to right: Guido, his mother Toledo Nelson in front, his sister LeMay in the back, Dora, Sandy, Grampa Ernest Reher and Guido's father Andrew Nelson, who was known as "Sweetie Pie".
Dora was a wonderful seamstress. She could go down to Wolbach's (the best local department store) and look at the cute little dresses... then go home and make an exact copy for Sandy without even a pattern. I was lucky enough to get these outfits as hand-me-downs a couple of years later. She could also knit and made the sweaters Sandy and I are wearing below.


Barney and Jodi Reher

This is a photographer's photo of Gudio and one of his "stink plants"... Guido's sister LeMae worked at LeRay Studio, a photographer's studio... maybe that's why he had a formal photo taken or maybe just because he was so proud of them. Guido raised these and he called them his "shit plants"... and that is exactly what they smelled like. Guido is also shown in typical garb for him. In later years he always had on a hat like an engineer would wear and overalls.
Caroline Reher Ruzicka (Ed & Hedwig's daughter) adds, "It was interesting to see the picture of Guido and his "shit plant".... I always wondered where Mom got her "shit plant".... I have some of them too. I used to have one that bloomed, but after it got so big planting it outdoors in the summer it broke into smaller bulbs and I have not been able to get one big enough to bloom in the winter."

Two more photos of Dora...

Dora with Sandy...

Don't call the Child Abuse Hotline, look closely...
Dora or someone is crouched down behind Sandy while she's perched on the wishing well.

Sandy said this is the only picture of the three of them.

The above picture I believe was taken at my 2nd birthday party in the park. I found this note written by my Mother in my baby book under "Second Birthday"...
"This was just a month before Jerrilynn was born, so we didn't do much - We did have a picnic up at Grace Abbott Park tho - with Dora, Sandra, Olga & Jackie & your Daddy & Mommie."
Left to right are Jackie, Olga Reher (Hugo's wife), then Dora, Sandy, me & Mother (Jodi & Juleen).

This photo of Guido was probably taken during the Grand Island Centennial Celebration in 1959.
Guido committed suicide on June 3, 1963 at his home in Grand Island. He had had a brain tumor and was operated on at the Mayo Clinic... but was in a lot of pain.
April 27, 1973 Dora married W.H. (Bill) Webster of Hastings in a private ceremony at her home. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schleichardt, friends of the couple. At the time Dora was the manager of the Conoco Cafe and Bill was a salesman for Nabisco.

Bill and Dora taken on the day they got married...

Dora had managed the Conoco Motel and Cafe for 20 years when she retired in 1973. She was a member of St Paul's Lutheran Church and several church circles.
Dora enjoyed playing the organ. She had a little electric organ in her living room and could sit down and play just about any song you wanted her to with no music. She played them by ear. All she had to do was hear a song and she could then play it.
Sandy has written her own story for Rare Ramblings...
Be sure to check it for more pictures of Sandy and of her family.
Sandy's Story
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