Through the Years...

Photos of the Reher brothers and sisters...

Emil, Arnold, Hugo, John, Art
Barney, Frieda, Dora, Ella, Eddy

Barney, Frieda, Dora, Ella, Eddy, Emil, Arnold Hugo, John, Art
Standing youngest to oldest...

Caroline Reher Ruzicka (youngest daughter of Ed & Hedwig Reher) wrote to say, "I think the black and white pictures of the Reher brothers and sisters with your Dad (Barney) in uniform were taken after the funeral of Grandpa Ernest Reher on June 20, 1945. I remember seeing that picture in the pictures mom had."

I don't know when the rest of these photos were taken...of course no date is on them.
I tried to arrange them in what I thought was the correct order... but those Reher's didn't change much in looks and so that was hard to do too.
If anyone knows... please correct me.

John, Hugo, Art, Arnold, Barney, Eddy
Frieda, Dora, Ella

Barney, Hugo, Art, Arnold, Eddy
John, Frieda, Dora, Ella

Barney, Frieda, Dora, Ella, Eddy, Arnold, Hugo, John, Art

Art, Hugo, Arnold Eddy, Ella, Dora, Frieda, Barney

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