Frieda Marie Reher
Born January 23, 1911 in Hall County, NE
Died January 13, 1992 in Grand Island, NE
Frieda was the ninth child,
the third and last daughter born to Ernest & Minnie Reher.

For the picture above, I cropped Frieda out of the Reher family photo taken about 1915.
The photo below of Frieda and Ernest is cropped from the Stoltenberg Anniversary reunion photo taken in 1912.

I have only a couple pictures of Frieda as a child. In this one Frieda is second from the left, with Barney on the right and cousins Elvira and LeRoy (brother John Reher's two children.)
Two other photos are in Ella's Story
Frieda attended Hall County School District 28 just west of the family farm on Hwy 34.

Frieda married Alfred Lewis Buettner in Grand Island, NE.
They moved to the farm where Alfred was born southwest of Grand Island and that is where they lived until they had to move to a retirement home almost 60 years later. The farm house was improved and added on to over the years.
I remember the kitchen being huge and always smelling of something yummy being baked. Even if you stopped by unexpected, you were always asked to stay for dinner or supper and there was always plenty of delicious food for all. Frieda was a very good cook.
Frieda and Alfred were members of St Paul's Lutheran Church on South Blaine Street in Grand Island, the Platte Duetsche and life members of the Farmers Union.
This is picture of the farm where Frieda and Alfred lived and raised their two children. The farm is 3 miles west of Hwy 281, just north of Interstate 80. In the picture, we are looking west, the road at the bottom of the picture runs north & south.

Memories... I have several...
Frieda and Alfred always had chickens, baby chicks, kitties & puppies to play with when we went out there. They must have had a horse because there is a picture of us on one. That's Alfred in front of the horse with Darwin, Jerri & myself on it.

We have an old movie film of Mother, Frieda, Rogene, Jerri & myself looking at a litter of little puppies in their house. Jerri is about 3 and is so afraid to touch them. The dogs they had were always the same, little black and white Rat Terriers.
When Jerri and I were little you could get baby chicks or ducks at Easter time from the feed store. They were dyed pink and blue and green, Easter colors. It must have been cheaper to buy them by the dozen, because Daddy (Barney) would always buy a dozen and we'd have these peeping chickens in a box in a corner of the kitchen for a couple weeks. They'd follow us around the yard when we played with them, thinking we were their mothers I suppose. Then one day we'd take them out to Frieda's and she'd raise them to eat later.
When we were little and went out to Frieda & Alfred's, there was a little house straight east of their house. It was about 12' X 24' I think and had two rooms and an enclosed porch. Alfred's father lived in it. He would go up to the main house for meals but had his little "apartment" in this garage size building. The little house is gone now.
I can remember Alfred was always singing; it seems always singing the same song... "K-K-K-Katie... beautiful Katie... She's the only g-g-g-girl I'll adore... When the m-m-moon shines, over the mountain... I'll be knocking at the k-k-k-kitchen door"... (I think those were the words) Rogene says Alfred sang a lot and that she and Darwyn always thought he should be on the radio... (There were no TVs in those days.)
Alfred always smoked a pipe and it smelled very, very good. It used to be that whenever I smelled a pipe, I'd think of him... but you don't smell pipes very often anymore.
I also remember Alfred sitting on a little milking stool that looked like a capitol T milking a couple of cows in the barn. Just for fun, he'd turn the cow's tit and aim it at a cat and squirt milk in the cat's face. We'd sure giggle at that. Both Rogene and Darwyn had to milk the cows when growing up.

Frieda and Alfred had two children:
Rogene Ann Buettner was born January 19, 1934
Darwyn Dean Buettner was born November 12, 1937
I have several pictures of Rogene & Darwyn...

Rogene Buettner
Rogene & Darwyn Buettner

Darwyn Buettner
Rogene Buettner
Rogene has written her own memories of growing up, of her parents, Frieda and Alfred and of her brother Darwyn. She also provided more pictures of her parents and her family. Be sure to click here for her story and here for more pictures and details about Darwyn's family.

Frieda and Alfred with thier family on their 50th Wedding Anniversary
Rogene has written her own memories of growing up, of her parents, Frieda and Alfred and of her brother Darwyn. She also provided more pictures of her parents and her family. Be sure to click here for her story and here for more pictures and details about Darwyn's family.

1 comment:
Loved it. The picture of the farm looks like a postcard. Keep it up!
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