I'd like to share a few Christmas photos and memories with you from my family...
I hope you will then join me and send some of yours.

These first three pictures were taken in 1969...
Matt's second Christmas...
The picture above is me and Matt... he couldn't hold still for a picture and wanted to get on with opening the presents.

Of course, Matt got a LOT of presents, being the first grandchild of Barney and Juleen, first child of Jodi and Lyle. He was just so excited with each and every gift he opened, whether a toy or clothes; it didn't matter. Grammy had a full length mirror in her entry hall and when Matt would open a box with clothes, he would run over to the mirror holding them up in front of himself to see how he looked. He got this little red robe from Grammy and Grampa and just had to give Grammy a kiss.

Matt also got this little airplane that same Christmas, a wagon, and lots of clothes and lots of books... he loved reading books.
Matt was just 13 months old that Christmas and was talking quite a bit for his age. One thing he would say was, "pree lil lice" (pretty little lights) pointing to any Christmas lights he saw as we drove around town. I have to say Christmas 1969 was one of my very favorite Christmas's and is one of my favorite memories.

This is our Christmas card photo from 1972. Matt was just 4 and Jill was 2 1/2.
We took a whole roll of film, trying to get a good picture for our Christmas card and in every picture they were giggling and laughing and just having the most fun... not looking at the camera. We never did get the picture we thought we wanted... but we got a lot of good fun ones that I treasure even more.
The following Christmas Memory was sent by Hugo's Grand-daughter, Erlene's Daughter, Marilyn:
The bestest memory of Xmas I have was about 1956 or 1957. My brother David and I both wanted bicycles. I had learned to ride a two wheeler in the past year and we were sorta sharing one bike. Actually it was David's and he let me ride it occasionally.... On Xmas morning I was mighty disappointed not to find a bicycle in the living room. But of course we all commenced into the usual fracas of opening gifts, with the bikes put out of our minds. Towards the end, mom and dad gave David and I each a box that was similar, which we opened post haste to each find a bicycle pedal! David being older immediately figured there was a bike someplace. I just followed him when he jumped up to go outside. There in the garage were two 3 speed bikes, red/orange for Dave and purple for me...!! Xmas was truly merry after all!!
1 comment:
You were so "mod" in the 60s! When'd you turn country? :)
Great pics!
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